Stay Compliant: Privacy Laws & ADA Accessibility

Stay Compliant: Privacy Laws & ADA Accessibility

A lock with data bread written on it. Termageddon adds protection with Privacy Policy, Terms, Conditions & Disclaimers

Data breaches among large corporations are all too common nowadays. Protect your business by prioritizing ADA compliance and staying updated on evolving privacy laws with Termageddon. As a website owner, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about potential issues affecting you, even amidst your daily responsibilities, as legal changes may not always be immediately apparent. At […]

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eCommerce: Things To Think Of Before Choosing An Agency Partner

shopping cart features

When engaging an e-commerce agency to construct your website, clients must weigh numerous critical elements to guarantee the choice of the most suitable partner for their venture. By meticulously assessing these factors and conducting thorough research, one can make an informed decision while hiring an e-commerce agency to develop their site. Here are some crucial […]

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7 Pros and Cons of Requiring a Login to Checkout

require login

Requiring customers to login to an account before ordering on an e-commerce website can have several perks for both the customers and the business, but isn’t necessarily right for everyone. Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if required login is right for your site. The Pros of Requiring Login 1. Streamlined […]

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The Basics: Image Alt Text

Example of alt text for an image of a cow

Alt text is a term that you’ve likely heard before, as it’s been around pretty much since the beginning of the internet (actually, more like 1993). Alt text, or more accurately, the Alt attribute, is a piece of HTML that should be attached to elements on your site like images and other graphics. They serve […]

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Personalized Recommended Products Slider

Recommended Product Slider image

Encouraging your shoppers to buy more is a tenuous balance between helpfulness and pushiness; a personalized recommended product slider can do the balancing act for you. In order to get it just right, you need to make your suggestions personalized enough to fall in line with the shopper’s previous purchases, but not so similar that […]

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Managing Price Groups & Sales: Free Product at Checkout

Lady presenting Free gift wrapped product

Not only is there a seemingly endless list of promotion types you can offer in your Miva store, but in some cases, there are also multiple ways to accomplish those promotions. This guide will take you through two different ways to offer your shoppers a free product at checkout, both using native Miva functionality. Both […]

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When Do I Need 301 Redirects?

Compass on a map

We already have a couple of articles talking about the benefits of using redirects, and how to create them within your Miva store. But how do you know when to create them? Google and similar search engines are forever tightening up their guidelines for what shoppers should expect from your store. This, of course, includes […]

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Managing Price Groups & Sales: Product Discounts on Variants

Product Discounts on Variants

As customers begin to offer more options for the products they purchase, product listings and site designs get more complicated. In order to support such a personalized shopping experience, you might have to get pretty creative with how you list your items. When you also factor in inventory, stock management, and variants, it can feel […]

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Quick Add Tool for Easier Conversions

night image of car lights steaming by

Depending on the products you sell, and your client base, you may have some shoppers that know what they want and want what they know. This is most typical in wholesaler-purchaser relationships, where the shopper returns time and again to reorder the same trusted products. Reduce friction and make those shoppers happier with our Quick […]

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Update Without an Overhaul: Branches in Miva 10

Branches in Miva 10 - photo of tree with popup, manage branches

With the release of Miva 10 in 2020, store owners were presented with branches. If you haven’t played around with this new feature, or even heard much about it, this post will help clarify things for you.  Or maybe you do use your branches already and have been exploring all the possibilities they offer. Hopefully […]

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