You’ve probably never done a site evaluation before, and possibly didn’t know you should have one done. You go to the doctor for a physical, you take your car to the shop for a tune-up; you take care of the important things in your life. Why wouldn’t you do the same for your website? Whether it provides your main source of income, is one of many revenue channels, or is a pet project on the side, you’ve likely put a lot of thought, effort, and money into your site. An investment like that needs the occasional evaluation, just like your car.
Much like the performance reviews you might give to your employees, your website needs to be evaluated on a regular basis. However, just like your employees might give themselves stellar grades if left to perform self-reviews, store owners tend to overlook their site flaws. We get it. Your site is your baby, and it’s not easy to try and pick out the issues. But it does need to be done. That’s where our site evaluation comes in.
Getting used to the quirks and blemishes on your site can happen over time. Features that once used to be cutting edge may need to be updated and adapted to suit the changing markets. But we wouldn’t expect you to keep on top of the changes in technology. That’s our job.
What Our Evaluation Will Look For
Our experts monitor the ever-changing climate of eCommerce expectations, and arm themselves with the newest knowledge. They have also all been eCommerce business owners, so they understand the unique challenges and hurdles you may be experiencing. Loaded with these tools, we are uniquely qualified to analyze and assess your website.
We’ve put together a site evaluation that will help you nail down your pain points and refine your procedures. It will also help you identify weak spots in your interface that may not have been an issue a year or two ago. What are some of the things we’ll look at?
- Visual design and layout. We look at the effectiveness of the design in conveying your brand voice.
- Data structure. Evaluating the architecture of your product and category data will help us assess the ease of your buyer’s journey.
- Checkout. The pinnacle of every shopping experience, we’ll examine your checkout to identify redundant steps and information that might get in the way of a smooth experience.
- Functionality. Identifying out-dated plugins and cumbersome features will allow you to trim the fat, and create a sleeker shopping experience.
- Speed and performance. As Google updates their requirements, additional optimization becomes critical to ensure a polished user experience and a high ranking.
- Technical SEO. Out-of-date or improperly implemented SEO practices can effectively kill a website, as far as search engines are concerned. And you want Google and Bing to know your site is alive.
- Compliance. As the law catches up to technology, new guidelines are emerging. Accessibility, privacy policies, cookies, and terms & conditions can sink your business into a legal quagmire if they aren’t up to date.
- General usability and features. You might be missing out on new industry standards, or need a fresh look at the path you lay out for your shoppers.
Interested in A Site Evaluation?
A one-hour, one-on-one meeting with one of our experts will give you the opportunity to have a critical evaluation of your site. You’ll be able to come away from the meeting with a better understanding of where improvements may need to be made to your site to really improve your user experience.
If you’re ready to have your site looked at and learn where you might be able to improve, contact us today. We will meet with you for a 1 hour consultation to review your site and help you map out next steps.