How To Update Your Featured Products in Miva 10 [Video]

Update Your Featured Products

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

There are many ways in which eCommerce sites are different from brick-and-mortar stores – of course! You might be thinking, apart from selling things, they aren’t really similar at all! But that’s just the sort of misconception that leads eCommerce store owners to miss out on some valuable visual merchandising opportunities. Take, for instance, your Featured Products section.

There are two types of eCommerce shoppers: Those who know what they want and those who need (or want) to be shown. There are a ton of ways to cater to both of those shoppers, often at the same time. Appealing images, easing browsing and search capabilities, and dedicated product lists like Featured Products.

Depending on your store branding, this may be called something different for you, like “Hot Buys” or “Most Popular”. But they amount to the same thing. A list of products that you want to prominently feature in order to tempt your shoppers, or help give them some direction. 

Where some store owners miss out, is by not changing up the products. Let’s think back to the brick-and-mortar stores again. The displays will change based on season, holidays, trends, sales, new product lines, or to push certain items. When you walk into your local sporting goods store in November, you’re likely going to find a display of ski equipment, not baseball.

Not only does it offer something helpful to browsers, but it provides a solution to people who are coming into a sporting goods store in November – chances are, they are looking for winter sports gear!

If you have a Miva store, your featured products section is likely controlled by a product category. 

  1. Log into your Miva admin. Click on Catalog option in the left hand navigation.
  2. Select the Categories tab.
  3. Search or scroll to find the category that controls the section. It may be called Featured, or be titled the same way it shows on your homepage (ie. Most Popular).
  4. Click the blue Name link to open and edit the category.
Open Featured Products Category
  1. Once inside the category, click on the Products tab. You will be able to view all products in your catalog. 
  2. Adjust the filter settings to view All products, or only those which are Assigned. If you want to add more products to this category, choose to view All. If you want to remove currently assigned items, or reorder them, choose Assigned.
Show assigned
  1. Use the Assigned toggles to add and remove products. They will automatically appear on your homepage.
Assigned toggles

Once you’ve got your category stocked with the all the best and brightest products, you can further tailor the section. Let’s be real, even if you have the highest quality product images, some items are just more attractive than others. To put those in the spotlight, you can sort your feature products.

Featured products before
  1. From your place within the category, click the “ “ button and select Sort. A new window will open.
Sort your featured products
  1. Use the Edit Display Order button, or drag and drop the products to rearrange their order.
  2. Close the window and click the red Reload button to save your changes.
reload products

The changes you make in sorting your products will be reflected on your site right away. Make sure to refresh and review your site from the perspective of a new shopper. 

featured products after

For more tips on how to customize and optimize your Miva store, view our Tutorials section in the blog. Looking for something you don’t see? Contact us and request something specific – we’re happy to help!

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