Owning an online store means you’re constantly
innovating and problem solving in order to get visitors to your site. It also
means you use a lot of resources making sure the shopping experience for your
customers is pleasant and engaging. It’s time to consider a third-party
solution to help take some of the pressure off. Ryzeo is a full-service system
to help take your shopping experience to the next level. Glendale Designs can
get Ryzeo installed and integrated onto your existing platform quickly and easily
so you can get back to focusing on visitor acquisition, and day-to-day
Convert your browsers into buyers with Ryzeo
You’ve already done the hard work of getting
your visitors onto your site. Set up Ryzeo and let them take care of keeping
your shoppers engaged, encouraging sales, and collecting data. As a
full-service automated e-commerce marketing solution, Ryzeo offers a menu of
browse abandonment and conversion tools.
Browse Abandonment Campaigns: When a visitor
attempts to leave your site before making it to the checkout, Ryzeo will
trigger a pop-up offer, giving your browser incentive to keep shopping.
Custom Configure Data Collection: Specify the
Ryzeo Insights feature to collect that data that you want, and forget the data that
you don’t want. Keep track of what products customers are searching for,
clicking on, and buying to tailor your marketing campaigns.
Email marketing still takes the cake when it comes to targeted online advertising. Over 40 times more effective than social media, email marketing still wears the crown when it comes to audience targeting and conversion.
Dynamic Targeted Emails: Take email marketing
campaigns to the next level by dynamically placing products your visitor
viewed, related products, and suggested products, back into their line of
Abandoned Cart Emails: According to the
experts, there is over $18 billion of revenue left in deserted checkouts every
year. Apply Ryzeo’s collected data and Glendale Designs’ services to compose
effective and compelling emails to help recover as much as 25%-40% of those
Customer Segmentation: The ability to create
hyper-targeted advertising segments will give you a leg up on reaching the
right customers for your goals.
Integrating and installing Ryzeo onto your
existing ecommerce site is smooth and painless with the help of Glendale
Designs to get you started.
Web-Based Interface: A clean and easy-to-use
dashboard interface will make acclimating to the system quick and intuitive.
Built-in Mobile Optimization: Use Ryzeo’s
premade mobile-optimized templates to spread the message of your brand smoothly
and seamlessly across all platforms. If you’re feeling industrious, you can
create and import a custom design!
Tracking and Reporting: The ability to track
email campaign success, social engagement, and content views lets you know how
your current marketing plan is working for you and where you may need tweaks.
Personalized Account Support: Ryzeo will
assign you a personal account manager who will get to know your business and
your products. That way, if you have any questions, they are on board and know
exactly how to help.
Add Ryzeo to your eCommerce site to get ahead of your customers, offering them what they want before they even know, and cutting off abandonment at the source. Provide a customized shopping experience that will keep your shoppers coming back for more; have Glendale Designs set up your demo today.